Tasked with the challenge to create a lyrics app for an artist of choice, showcasing an anthology of their songs and different features of the app and how the user would navigate around it (with restrictions including no images allowed, limited colour scheme of 3 colours, and texted-based only).

I created SHINee Songbook, and included a button which allows the user to switch between the lyrics in English and Korean, with the option to play a short clip of the track as a taster before the user is encouraged to purchase it through Apple Music or Spotify.
The app can be used to search for a song by name, year, album, vibe or language, once a song is selected there are clickable areas that inform the user of the song credits, meaning behind the song, and highlighted lyric meanings.

Additional features are creating an account on the app, in which the user is able to favourite their preferred songs that are automatically added to a “favourites” list and can be sorted and filtered by different options. The app also has a “listening” feature where the user can press the diamond to allow their phone to listen to a song playing nearby, it would then identify the song and bring up a lyrics page, similar to what was shown on the previous pages.

The colours chosen were due to SHINee’s official colour, “pearl aqua” – with the white and black complimenting it well, and the diamond being the well-known symbol of the K-pop group’s logo.